I hope you are finding creative time as spring is calling us outside! I'm squeezing in some playing and painting in between move-related stuff and business-related stuff. When I have a lot on my plate like now, I find that playing with my materials, swatching them, and learning about them is soothing and not too taxing. We can learn so much simply by mixing colors and swatching them on paper. My latest obsession is custom-making my own gouache palettes (pictured below), so naturally, I've made two already and am working on a smaller one for travel. As my mother says, they look good enough to eat! 😋 I created a long Youtube video talking about them, all the details, how to create them, where to order, etc. I only recommend this palette for watercolor or regular gouache, not acryl gouache because that dries permanently. I explain all that in the video. I'm pretty sure you're going to want a few tubes of regular gouache after seeing this, but remember - you don't need many colors to mix a whole slew of colors! Just click below on the link to my Youtube channel and it's the first (most recent) video. If you're interested in ordering the supplies I mention and creating your own, you will find the links in the Youtube description and also in my supply lists. Speaking of supply lists, I've streamlined my supply list on Amazon to make it easier to shop. Here's the link to my new Amazon supply store.🎨 As always, here's the link if you prefer to shop at Blick Art. When you buy using these links, I receive a tiny percentage of that sale, even if you then go on and buy other things on your shopping list that aren’t art supplies. Thanks for supporting my supply review videos this way! 🙏

This is a delicious palette. Do you have a preferred brand of Gouache?