I continue to learn about the importance of taking care of my creative self, I've observed that when I do these things, my art practice is better and so is my life. I think of these things as watering my creative garden 😊.
Habits and practices for optimal "creative health."
Make a big, long list of all the things you want to learn, all the techniques, skills, etc. This will be what you go to when you get stuck. I have everything from lettering to encaustic painting to how to host a paid, live session to representing myself in more licensing work on my list.
Be kind and compassionate with yourself, each day brings its own challenges - don't expect the same level of performance every day. When the inner dialogue gets critical and "judgey," take a deep breath, dismiss it and get to work!
Read something inspiring/encouraging every day, even a quote (@art2life_world on IG is good) or page of a book (I have my favorites here.). The quote at the bottom is from @art2life - I love it!
Develop a regular, "living sketchbook" practice for discovery, growth and confidence. My newest class focuses on this: "Grow Your Creative Practice with Sketchbooks." Try to do something in the sketchbook daily, even if it's just painting a solid color background.
Pay attention to the basics of eating well, exercise and enough sleep. Your creative self doesn't live in a vacuum!
Keep an inspiration board on Pinterest and/or saved posts on IG or FB that make your heart go pitter - patter. Colors, patterns, textures, plants, flowers, fabrics, landscapes, buildings, nature - anything that excites you or you are drawn to. When you are in a slump, look through these and pick something to work from in the sketchbook.
Watch videos/reels of your favorite artists to learn from them, practice combining 3 elements from 3 artists into one sketchbook page. You can be inspired by other artists without copying them - I may have to do a class on this.
Go to art supply stores to explore materials and supplies, ask questions and discovers something new.
Remember that you were brave enough to begin to express yourself creatively - that is huge and fantastic!
You can take breaks and rest periods but don't stop. The "War of Art" book by Steven Pressfield is great to get you going. I have a link to it here.
What are the ways you take care of your creative self? I'd love to know, maybe they will go into a future class on the subject! Just hit reply on this email and share 😀
